Mapping Resources
Mapping tools used for Emergency Operations

Ventusky Visual Weather Mapping
Live wind, rain and temperature maps, detailed forecast for your place, data from the best weather forecast models such as GFS, ICON, GEM.

Fire Information For Resource Management System
NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) distributes Near Real-Time (NRT) fire/thermal anomaly data within 3 hours of satellite observation.

BC Wildfire Dashboard
View the location and details of all active wildfires in B.C. on the BC Wildfire Service interactive map.

DriveBC Highway Closures and Conditions
DriveBC is a website and toll-free phone service which provides traffic, road, and weather conditions for British Columbia, Canada’s provincial highways.

Blitztortung Real-Time Lightning Detection Mapping provides lightning and thunderstorm information in real-time.

FNESS Decision Support Tool - Wildfire Information Map
Lightship Real-Time Wildfire Information Map.