Get Prepared

Follow these steps to prepare yourself, your family and your community in the event of an emergency.

Prepare Your Community

Preparing your community for an emergency can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Compiling the items below can help considerably in the event of an emergency. Start planning today.

1. Form a Planning Committee

Get together with leaders in your community to determine personnel, roles and responsibilities.

2. Create an Emergency Plan

Create or locate an emergency plan for your community and ensure it is up to date.

3. Map Out Your Community

Identify high hazard and high-risk areas. For example, communication systems, water sources and power lines.

4. Create Contact List

Create a list of emergency resources and community contacts. Include community members that may require extra assistance (e.g. elders, people with disabilities).

5. Reach out to other Communities

Reach out to other communities to agree to provide/receive assistance during emergency situations. Build relationships with your neighbours, both inside and outside of your nation. We are in this together.

Prepare Your Family

Although we cannot predict where a wildfire will occur or when, we can be proactive and take steps to prepare ourselves and protect our properties from being damaged by a wildfire.

1. Make an Emergency Plan

Ensure your family knows what to do in an emergency. Use the “Get Prepared” website to create an emergency plan for your family and home. Creating and printing the on-line plan will only take you about 20 minutes.

2. Emergency Preparedness Kits - “Grab and Go Bags”

During an emergency it's important to have enough supplies to get by without power or running water for a few days. Learn how to Prepare an Emergency Kit.

3. Protect Your Home

FireSmart your home. Download the FireSmartTM Homeowner’s Manual and Landscaping Guide to decrease the intensity of a wildfire and slow its spread.

4. Know Your Evacuation Stages

Evacuation Alert = Be ready to leave on short notice.
Evacuation Order = You are at risk. Leave immediately.
Evacuation Rescind = All is now safe and you can return home.

5. Download Prepared BC’s Wildfire Preparedness Guide

The Wildfire Preparedness Guide will help prepare you for what to do before, during and after a wildfire.

6. Visit the Emergency Evacuee Guidance Website

The Emergency Evacuee Guidance website provides information on what to do if you receive an evacuation order.

How to Prepare an Emergency Kit

During an emergency it's important to have enough supplies to get by without power or running water for a few days. Prepare "Grab and Go Bags" for yourself, your family and your pets.

1. Pen and notepad

For writing messages, emergency plans, etc.

2. Phone charger

Include a Battery Bank for charging without a power source

3. Flashlight

Wind up or battery powered (with extra batteries)

4. Radio

Wind up or battery powered (with extra batteries)

5. First Aid Kit

Bandages, etc

6. Personal toiletries and medication

Include enough medication for at least 3 days

7. Seasonal clothing

For colder seasons, include a warming blanket

8. Food

Non-perishable items such as energy bars, dried and canned food (with can opener)

9. Water

At least two litres of water per person per day

10. Keys

Extra set of keys for car and house

12. Important Documents

Identification, insurance, bank records, etc.

14. Emergency plan

Write down an emergency plan for you and your family

What are Evacuation Stages?

Understanding the different stages of an evacuation

Evacuation order

Leave the area immediately
Check in at an Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre
Contact family and friends to let them know where you are and that you are safe

Evacuation alert

Prepare a Grab-And-Go Bag for yourself, your family and pets
Visit Emergency Info BC or follow @EmergencyInfoBC for news and updates
Contact family and friends